For decades, Versa Valves has provided valves and filter/regulators for cold temperatures with our popular “-44” Low-Temperature option.
This option offers a wide spectrum of environmental temperatures ranging from -40℉/-40℃ to as high as +200℉/+93℃. It has historically been specified for areas around the globe that see low temperatures throughout the coldest months. More recently, it is being relied on by customers in areas with uncharacteristically large temperature swings, often within the same week or even day.
An example is Texas, where ice storms can cause havoc on the grid if the process control components are not built with the proper options to reduce or eliminate the effects of freezing temperatures.
The “-44” option includes several cold temperature features:
Buna: With this seal compound, the solenoid operator package and other internal components function reliably under cold environments. This option includes low-temperature Buna seals designed to maintain resilience, while providing leak-free performance over extended periods in the coldest environments.
Although not a standard option on the “-44”, Versa offers a no-charge strong spring “-S” option to increase the return force of the valve. It ensures a positive return shift when the solenoid valve is de-energized even if moisture gets into the valve and freezes.
Versa also offers a stronger spring return option should the application require it—the "-SS" super-strong spring option.
Since many areas of the globe reach temperatures lower than -40℉/-40℃, Versa embarked on the quest to design an option package that can reliably function in these colder regions.
While the Versa's cold temperature option has been the logical choice for areas that witness extreme cold temperatures, we have built on that Real World Reliability expertise and engineered and recently introduced the new “-PLR” Polar Temperature Option. This product is designed for the 316 stainless valves as well as the Filter/Regulators.
It has an extreme temperature rating of -67℉/-55℃ and can reliably function in the coldest temperatures on the globe. This new "Polar" temperature option is made possible through some key options:
Lastly, we recommend the addition of our successful and popular "-D14" exhaust adapter equipped with a fluorosilicone seal to ensure nonrestrictive exhaust when de-energized.
These options reliably function in real-world environments under extremely cold temperatures, giving operators peace of mind that the process will function as intended.
For more information, contact your local Distributor.
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